Day 70

In the last two months, one week, and two days, I have learned three very important things:
1) Don't tear down one wall if you're not prepared to tear them all down.
2) When somebody says a few days, they really mean several.
3) The only carpenter you can trust 100% is Jesus.
Fact is, people disappear. And things just happen. My electrician, for instance, is sick and won't be able to finish till Monday/Tuesday. The inspection will happen next week Thursday/Friday, which of course holds up most of the drywalling.
At least the plumbing will be inspected tomorrow.
The money, the schedule that has been rewritten more times than Russian history, all of it—I'm just not going to sweat it anymore. With God's help and our handyman's, it'll all get done.
Actually, there's one more thing I learned:
4) You won't find atheists in foxholes, or in homes that are being remodeled.
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