Reno2100: Our Demolicious Mid-Century Ranch

Saturday, October 07, 2006

The Barefoot Bandit

Of the many things we've uncovered at the homestead was this little bit of local lore: Apparently, while our home does not have the distinction of having once been an honest-to-goodness crack house like our neighbor's one block over, our '56 home has not lead the perfect "Leave it to Beaver" existence.

It seems that at one time, not too long ago, the house was used as a sort of half-way house by the dregs of (Sanford) humanity. Among them, the notorious Barefoot Bandit. Named so because he would commit multiple break-ins in one night, all sans footwear.

While we're not quite certain when the Barefoot Bandit's naughty nightly shopping sprees took place, we do know he was caught. Perhaps the hopes of finding some buried treasure will still realize itself. If it does, though, I can promise you this. We're pawning it.

Next entry: The Half-Way Point

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Not So Shocking. (Pun intended.)

Today, proof positive that rewiring the house was an absolutely good thing. Seen here, a sample of 50 years worth of wear and tear. And rats, or something.

As for the rest of the house, all the bedrooms are mostly gutted. Thank God we figured out a way to save the ceilings with the help of wire snips and molding. (Don't ask.)

View of the guest room from the office, sans walls. This weekend we need to neatly trim the remaining drywall as close to the ceiling as possible.

We will also be reinforcing and/or replacing a few termite-damaged studs with the help of my dad and Craig's new toy, Mr. Ax.

Hopefully, that'll be it for the surprises. At least until we talk to the plumber.

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Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Grills and Garland

And here is what greeted us when we walked through the doors of the local Lowes this weekend: Christmas trees and garland. Tim, the grill guy, is none too happy that they've brought out the holiday trimming so early. "It's not doing much for my sales," he lamented. I fear my suggestion of him dressing up like Santa Claus and handing out lumps of charcoal did not go over too well. Hey, it least it tied into the grills.