Design Rant #5: Diamond Mirror

Okay... I'm as vain as the next gal. Or metrosexual. I will readily admit to spending oodles of time poking at the signs of middle-ageness that are slowly creeping onto my reflection.
That being said, I think you'd have to be out of your ever-loving mind to spend $3,500 on a mirror. Yes... $3,500.
What do you get for the money? Besides a hand polished mirror? Well, the Diamond Mirror, by Piet Houtenbos, promises an exceptionally clear reflection. Um... As opposed to the "muddy" reflection we seem to all be victims of?
Sorry, but I don't get it. $3,500? I mean... do you KNOW how much Botox that can buy?
Thanks, but no thanks. At that price, I'd better be getting that swank, chatty mirror Snow White's stepmother had. And you better be damn right I'd be the "fairest of the all."