Sometimes, it's the little things that give us joy. In this instance, it's our address plaque. Seriously. We finally removed the old, nasty one that came with the house. (See below.)

In its place is a fabulous modern one manufactured by Craig. We had bought the numbers at Home Depot Expo a while ago. However, mounting each one individually onto and into the brick wasn't something that we were both groovy on.
Inspired by some expensive signage and another DIYer's homemade solution I had spotted online, we constructed our own out of simple Plexiglas that was sanded to give a frosted appearance onto which we mounted the numbers. The whole thing was then hung using spacers so that it, like the numbers, "floated" off the brick wall. Here's the result of Craig's hard work and my humble assistance:

Add to it the other mod details, like a swanky modern outdoor light that I spent literally DOZENS of hours online trying to find...

And this cool little doorbell button...

And all together, here's what our new, ubercool front entry looks like:

The door, FYI was stained by Craig, too. (You'll be seeing gobs more of his handywork soon.)
Already the plan is in the works to improve the front walkway, for which we've already selected super-groovy/affordable stone tile from, of all places, Lowes. Regrettably, other stuff takes priority, like our backyard with the HORRIBLE drainage issues that we have to fix ASAP.
Till next time...
Labels: mid-century modern, modern, modern address plaque, modern outdoor light, renovation