Design Rant #4: Low Trunk Tables

Above, the set of Bleu Nature's "Low Trunk Tables." Now, while some may describe them as nothing more than stumps topped a with rounded piece of laminate, according to, they'd be wrong.
Here's what they actually are:
"Driftwood spread across the shore is the impetus behind this unique design. The ultimate in modern nature, these low tables are fully functional, as they are fastened with metal and enamel tops. An inspired way to redefine and re-use earth's creations. Natural. From 7¾" to 15¾"."
An inspired way to redefine and re-use earth's creations? Really? Inspired? There are a lot of words I'd used to describe these, but "inspired" would not at all be one of them.
The cost for "the ultimate in modern nature?" A hefty $1,750.00
All I can say is, "I'm grabbing a chain saw and heading to Lowe's."