
Well, things are in a good place, which means my sanity is, too. And if I'm sane, Craig is sane. :)
Here's a run down of where we are as of November 1st:
1) The plumbers will be done by Wednesday/Thursday with the rough in so the inspection can happen Friday/Monday.
2) The AC will be installed Monday/Tuesday of next week. (They're removing the old AC unit tomorrow so that we can demo the closet.)
3) Rough in of the electrical will be finished up by the end of this week. Hopefully, the inspection can happen Friday/Monday.
4) Final measurements of the kitchen cabinets will be taken on Wednesday so they can be manufactured locally ASAP. Installation date is still TBD.
5) Imed will be at the house tomorrow, prepping the walls for the drywall, building the frame for the whirlpool tub, and doing miscellaneous stuff that needs to get done prior to drywalling.
6) Tomorrow night, Craig and I will be demoing the closet at the end of the hall that housed the old AC and will be home to the new one. (We found black mold on the walls so it's gotta go!) That gives Imed Thursday and Friday to drywall the new closet.
7) This weekend we can paint the inside of the closet and get it ready for the AC guys on Monday. The install will take just two days.
8) The floors in the bathroom will be done Tuesday/Wednesday of next week and the remaining floors will be done once the drywalling is completed, which should be by November 12th.
9) Also next week we'll be ready to have the security system we won at the local home show wired. 10) As well as have Terminix come out and treat the exposed wood prior to putting up the drywall.
Let's see if it all happens as we hope/plan/pray. One thing's for sure, we both expect no more surprises. Considering we've replaced almost every damn thing in the house, there's really nothing left to surprise us. We hope.
Jacqui and Craig